Our experienced team is engaged in providing competitive quality services to all customers at cheaper rates. We are specialized in:
Every power plant customer in Central Africa thinks about ALMAPPS when it comes to quality engine solutions. Over the years we have successfully repowered some power plants in African while collaborating with world class energy solution providers such as Wartsila.
We are best in the following:
We assist our customers while saving time to acquire ship spare parts through our collaboration with world class renounced OEM spare parts suppliers such as Quantiparts, MARES, TRACTAFRIC etc. through our collaboration with quantiparts, we trades OEM spare parts for Bolnes, Deutz, Stork, Sulzer A/S 4 stroke, SACM, Poyaud, GMT, VASA, Wichmann and Crepelle engines. We are a purpose driven company and our technological heritage helps us to understand what you need and when. We are here for you and your engine.
Our team of experienced field service engineers have a good track record in the maintenance of vertical and horizontal pumps used in crude oil pipelines and booster stations.
Through our collaboration with Wartsila project Finland, ALMAPPS successfully repowered the Wartsila 18V32 LFO short bloc engine in Farcha I Tchad.
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